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One Piece Episode 189

So I think this is a really powerful exercise to go through and really decide on purpose, like which emotions are you going to feel on purpose and how are you going to balance them out? One of the recommendations that I gave to my students was to create a - get a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle. And on one side put positive, on the other side put negative, and balance out those emotions, right? So on one side you might put happy, and on the other side you'd put sad. Those are two emotions you want to experience in contrast.

One Piece Episode 189

him to leave Inuyasha, he should have asked. No sooner does Magatsuhi try moving to Kagome, Inuyasha moves away; however, he is too late as a piece of Magatsuhi got inside her. Tessaiga suddenly changes to Dragon-Scaled form, producing Inuyasha's demon vortex and Magatsuhi, who has become trapped by Inuyasha's demonic energy and cannot escape to a new host. Sesshōmaru tells Magatsuhi that he chose the wrong person to possess and slices him right down the middle with Tenseiga. Magatsuhi vanishes into nothingness with a scream of agony. Sesshōmaru lands and sheathes his Tenseiga.

As someone who most enjoys the big picture stuff, the cutting summaries of the large scale economic/social/political forces driving events, this was my favorite episode since either the Triumph of Orthodoxy or the 3 episodes covering the reign of Nikephoros I.

Priscilla:Alright. I would like to remind the listeners that this podcast has been brought to you by, which is the leading site on the net for networking downloadables. Thank youso much for listening. This is Priscilla Rice and we hope you will join us next week for another exciting episode of The Official BNI Podcast.

In this episode, Karen Kearney joins us to talk about her experience as Treasurer in one of the largest research and development universities in the world, Stanford University. We talk about her career, its highlights, best lessons, and so much more.

Tom Schimmer: That's a kind of way of putting that. But it really was a fork in the road, but I really wanted to be a math teacher. But how it affected me now is that... I realized how... And a lot of these lessons I learned not in the moment, but I learned them in retrospect. I look back and then things kind of make sense, right? I think we do that a lot in life where we kind of look back and then we make meaning out of that. Okay. Now, I understand why that happened. Not why it happened from some divine kind of intervention, but why it shaped who I am today and what it was for me is just, I think the confidence piece, right?My confidence was shattered. My confidence maybe was a little too high after that interest exam and maybe was a little too shattered. It was fragile, right? Because I was of the mindset like a lot of people that you either have the math gene or you don't. You either can do math or you can't. There's a certain group of people in this world that can do math. And that gets perpetuated in society. Nowadays, you hear people, and it frustrates me nowadays, when I always hear people saying, "Look, I'm no math guy or I know it's math."We just dismiss it as if we would never say that about literacy. We'd never say, "Well, I can't read." We would never celebrate that. But it's almost a badge of honor when people talk about their inability to do simple math. It's not even math. It's like arithmetic. Right? So I think for me, it was a shattering of my confidence, which has led me in the work I do now and has for a lot of a number of years, had me focused on the emotional side of assessment. And it isn't the only reason, but it's one of the reasons why I focus on not just the clinical side of assessment, but the emotional side, the impact it has on students, the impact it has on human beings when we face the prospect of being assessed. So it definitely is a part of me that will always be there because it was a pretty pivotal moment at a very impressionable time in my life.

Kyle Pearce: Well, and the big piece too, Jon, the word that I use so often now is reasoning, right? I never reasoned in math class. I never thought about an answer. When teachers say, is that reasonable? They would ask me that and I'd be like, "Is it?" I didn't understand what the problem was. Most of the problems were what we call naked problems, right, where it's just like, "Do these operations, do these series of steps, and come out with this answer." It was like, "How could I understand if that's reasonable or not if I don't have a context to connect it to." I don't have any of those things. And now we see that as like, wow, as educators, we have so much work to do. We say it on the podcast all the time, it is so hard to teach.And not only shift the mindset that you just mentioned, Jon, from this procedural mindset, but we also have to relearn what math is, how math works, because the reality is, is that if we didn't experience it ourself, it's really hard for us to help students experience something that we've never done ourself. Right? And that's where I think there's so much work to be done not only in assessment and evaluation for math, but then also thinking about, "Wow, when I'm dividing fractions, what does that even mean?"If you ask teachers in general, you say, "Give me a scenario that involves dividing fractions, like a context, like a real scenario that involves dividing fractions."

Jon Orr: Yeah. If I go back to your example there about 15 out of 20 and they mean different things. And I think it's so important when we think about like, "What are we measuring when we provide these assessments?" And you said that when you get a teacher to realize that, they have almost like the permission to not think of this ratio or this mark as like the be all, end all. It's when they make that realization that they actually have control over how that actually affects a student's assessment.What do you do when you're working with those teachers to help them come to that realization? Because I think there's listeners out there right now who heard you use that example and are like, "Wait. I'm in that position right now with my teachers." Because we have a lot of coaches and administrators who listen and they're like, "I want to help them with understanding that piece."

Kyle Pearce: I love it. You said so much that I want to comment on. I was jotting a few things down. You might have heard me typing away over here. I don't know if I can get to all of them, but one thing I want to go all the way back and the part I really love about that experience you had a couple months ago on that assessment and trying to confirm or reaffirm, or just to ensure that students are where maybe you perceive them to be. Something else to add in there too, that I think can be helpful, as long as we're doing this from an assessment lens and not as a evaluation lens where it's sort of in stone is maybe putting a question on there that you want to know more about.Meaning like, I actually don't know if Jon can do this. And if I can build that classroom culture where my students aren't afraid of that scenario, because they know that I'm going to do those things, not as a punishment, but to learn more about you, Tom, as a learner, I go, "Listen, one of these questions, I'm putting it on here. I want to see what you do with it." And then when I'm looking and I'm kind of sorting in that room, this is the other piece I loved was kind of this visual. I feel like you had said, all teachers could do this exercise. And then from there, if we're using assessment for what assessment really should be, we should be able to then go, "Okay. So for my friends over in this room, what's my next steps for them. What am I going to do? What am I going to change in my practice in order to help nudge that group to the next place?"It would be great to get them all moving around the room to that first corner that you had described. And that journey might look a little bit different depending on the students and where they are. So all of those things you said there, I think are awesome. I'm wondering, we talk about standards-based grading a lot here, the math moment maker community. I'm wondering what are your thoughts on standards-based grading? And what would you say are maybe some tips for someone who wants to go there and maybe they're a little bit nervous, or they're a little apprehensive?I remember making this shift and I remember feeling very vulnerable, right? It's like, "I know this, I know this world, it happened to me as a student, I did this for many years, and now I'm like venturing out. And that can be kind of a scary thing. Do you have any, maybe your thoughts on standards-based grading in general or whatever your version or however you see that everyone defines it different and then where might someone go to start? Where would you suggest they start on that journey?

Kyle Pearce: I love that. So many things pop into my mind about that. I think about my, I'm going to say my old self, my more... I call it traditional. My version of traditional was I did a lot of talking. I did a lot of writing things down on the board. I did a lot of doing, and when I was doing those things, it made it really difficult for me to spend that time at the bottom of the triangle as you've mentioned. Right? So it's like when we think about our teaching practice in a math context, if I'm there at the front delivering, and when that teacher asked you about, "If I have to assess, when will I teach?" Immediately my head... And I'm making an assumption here, but immediately my head sort of shifts to this, "Okay, what is teaching in that classroom? What does it mean to teach?"And if it's me doing all the talking and the students are there, I am not able to get any information about where students are. Jon and I call it pivoting or proceeding. How do I know whether to pivot or whether to proceed? Well, what do I do? I just keep proceeding. And then I find out on my quiz, which I now call a formative assessment in four or five days that, "Oh my gosh, I didn't know anything." I look back to how many times that would happen to me and I think, "How is it possible that I went through five days of instruction and I was not expecting what I'm looking at right now." Right?Like you had said, it's like, you should be looking at this and it should confirm what you're suspecting. And there was so many times where I would be so saddened by how shocked and surprised I was. And now when we look at more of a problem-based approach and more giving students the opportunity to investigate problems and then consolidate the learning based on what you're hearing, that I think aligns with exactly what you're saying here. And that's a huge takeaway for me and I'm sure for the math moment makers.I'm wondering, Tom, we can't take up your entire morning, although we would love to. So I want to know from you, if there was one thing that listeners, they've listened to this episode, they've probably got all kinds of ideas here. If there was one thing that they could take away from this conversation or that you hope they take away, what would that be before we sign off for the day? 041b061a72


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