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My Daughters Pussy Teen

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Sleep plays an important part in our moods. When your child is tired, she may be cranky, irritated, more emotional, and less likely to think through her decisions. Therefore, it is very important for children to get enough sleep. As a pre-teen, your child should be getting at least 9-12 hours of sleep a night.

Also, unlike an adult woman (or even a newborn or teenager), your growing daughter has no estrogen to defend her vaginal tract, and the pH of her vagina is high, creating a fertile environment for bacteria to grow. Or she may not have perfected that front-to-back wiping move just yet.

This is the most common type of vaginitis in teens and women, but it's not common in young children. A healthy vagina is alive with bacteria. Bacterial vaginosis (BV) can result when the normal balance of the various bacteria is upset. A lab culture of your daughter's discharge may show too much of a particular bacteria that, in smaller amounts, wouldn't be troublesome. 59ce067264


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