The Serpent And The Rainbow Book Pdf 40
One day, Goorialla, the rainbow serpent woke from his sleep and set off to find his tribe. He crossed Australia from east to west and north to south, stopping to listen for his people. He crossed every part of the dry, flat Australia but found nothing. After searching for a long time, he grew tired and lay down to sleep.
the serpent and the rainbow book pdf 40
How is the rainbow snake living because if there are no trees, that means there is no oxygen! If there is also no river that means there is no natural water which means how does the rainbow serpent live! Also if the rainbow serpent made frogs, that must mean the rainbow serpent must be God, so does that mean God is Gay!! But hey, thats just a theory! A gay theory!!
The 17 books of 'De Natura Animalium' ('On the Characteristics of Animals'), by the Greek writer Claudius Aelianus, have been translated by A.F.Scolfield (1958). Links to his English translation of each book, and to the Greek text from the edition of R.Hercher (1864), can be found in this table. This collection of curious information about animals, birds and fishes is presented in a fairly random order; as a guide to the contents, an index of chapter headings is provided below. Book 1 Greek text English translation Book 2 Greek text English translation Book 3 Greek text English translation Book 4 Greek text English translation Book 5 Greek text English translation Book 6 Greek text English translation Book 7 Greek text English translation Book 8 Greek text English translation Book 9 Greek text English translation Book 10 Greek text English translation Book 11 Greek text English translation Book 12 Greek text English translation Book 13 Greek text English translation Book 14 Greek text English translation Book 15 Greek text English translation Book 16 Greek text English translation Book 17 Greek text English translation Note: the Greek text of books 8 and 9 is mislabelled in Perseus. INDEX OF CHAPTER HEADINGS A -B -C -D -E -F -G -H -I -J -K -L -M -N -O -P -R -S -T -U -V -W -X -Y A15.26 : The Acomys. The Jerboa9.27 : The Aconite11.20 : Sacred Hounds in the temple of Adranus8.8 : The Amphisbaena9.23 : The Amphisbaena8.18 : The Anchovy7.48 : Androcles and the Lion4.43 : The Ant. Greek festivals16.15 : The Ants of India17.42 : Ants of Babylonia1.22 : Ants observe a day of rest2.25 : Ants store grain3.4 : Ants of India6.43 : Ants and their nests6.50 : Cleanthes and the Ants10.28 : The Ass and the Antelope, hated in Egypt10.27 : The Cow and Aphrodite10.50 : The worship of Aphrodite at Eryx4.2 : The Pigeons of Aphrodite at Eryx11.10 : Apis, the sacred bull of the Egyptians10.21 : The Crocodile, worshipped at Ombos, killed at Apollinopolis10.26 : The Wolf, beloved of Apollo ; reveals sacrilege11.1 : Swans and the worship of Apollo11.2 : Serpents sacred to Apollo in Epirus11.8 : Flies avoid the festival of Apollo10.4 : The Sheep of Arabia10.13 : Fauna of Arabia11.6 : A refuge for hunted animals in Arcadia12.25 : The Archer fish9.34 : The Argonaut12.45 : Arion and the Dolphins12.31 : The sons of Aristodemus and the Delphic Oracle17.31 : A poisonous Fish in Armenia17.5 : The Asp of Egypt11.32 : A sacred Asp and its slayer3.22 : Ichneumon and Asp4.54 : Asp in love with a Goose-herd1.54 : Viper, Asp, etc., their bites6.38 : The Asp, its bite fatal. 9.11 : The Malmignatte and the Asp, their bites9.4 : The Asp, its fangs. 9.61 : The Asp, its bite2.24 : The Asp. Human spittle2.5 : The Asp. The Basilisk3.33 : The Asp. 10.28 : The Ass and the Antelope, hated in Egypt10.40 : The Horned Ass of Scythia12.16 : The Libyan Ass14.10 : The Wild Ass of Mauretania2.10 : Mating of Mare and Ass4.52 : The Wild Ass of India6.51 : Fable of Ass and 'Dipsas'11.5 : Dogs sacred to Athena in Daunia7.3 : The Aurochs B10.30 : The Baboon17.42 : Ants of Babylonia4.27 : The Gryphons and the gold of Bactria4.55 : The Camel of Bactria15.2 : The Bam-fish2.5 : The Basilisk2.7 : The Basilisk3.31 : The Cock feared by Basilisk and Lion1.30 : The Basse and the Prawn9.7 : (i) The Basse and its otolith 2.19 : The Bear and its cub3.21 : A Bear and Lions6.3 : The Bear6.9 : The Bear and its cubs4.45 : The story of a Lion, a Bear, and a Dog6.34 : The Beaver1.60 : The King Bee5.11 : The King Bee. Character of the Bee5.12 : The Bee, its industry5.13 : The Bee, its skill, its colonies, its love of song5.11 : The King Bee. Character of the Bee17.35 : The Rhaucii expelled by Bees1.10 : Servitors among Bees1.58 : The enemies of Bees2.53 : Hornless Cattle. Bees in Scythia5.10 : Bees and their King5.42 : Bees : various kinds.1.11 : Bees, their ages and habits1.49 : The Bee-eater11.30 : The Bee-eater1.59 : A Bee-hive16.2 : Birds of India17.14 : Gigantic Birds1.1 : The Birds of Diomedes1.35 : Birds use charms against sorcery12.37 : Birds in love with human beings6.19 : The song of Birds ; ability to imitate other sounds6.45 : Birds and their enmities6.46 : Substances fatal to Birds7.7 : Birds as weather-prophets13.18 : The royal parks of India and their Birds.4.59 : The Blue-fowl5.45 : The Wild Boar11.11 : Mneuis, sacred bull of the Egyptians, and King Bocchoris17.10 : The Mole in Boeotia.16.5 : The Hoopoe of India. A Brahmani myth4.48 : How to check an angry Bull5.19 : Wolf and Bull7.4 : The Bull, its docility17.45 : The flesh-eating Bulls of Ethiopia12.20 : Democritus on hornless Bulls2.28 : The Bustard and Horses5.24 : The Bustard6.24 : The Fox and Hedgehog; and Bustards C17.7 : The Elephant. The Camel10.3 : Anatomy of the Camel4.55 : The Camel of Bactria6.60 : The Camel, its modesty17.34 : The Goats and Camels of the Caspii17.36 : Lion and Camels15.13 : The tale of Canobus and Helen17.43 : The Leopard of Caria17.32 : The 'Oxyrhynchus' of the Caspian Sea17.33 : A Caspian bird. 17.38 : A bird from the Caspian Sea17.17 : The Caspii; their land invaded by Rats. The Fox in Caspia.17.34 : The Goats and Camels of the Caspii6.27 : The Cat5.7 : Monkey and Cats6.36 : The Caterpillar12.14 : The Catfish16.33 : The Cattle and Sheep of various countries14.11 : The Wild Cattle of Libya2.53 : Hornless Cattle. Bees in Scythia16.32 : The Sheep of Ceos1.57 : The Cerastes and the Psylli7.17 : Ceryl and Halcyon9.49 : The largest of the Cetaceans4.60 : The Chaffinch2.14 : The Chameleon4.33 : The Chameleon and Snakes16.16 : The Chasm of Pluto16.39 : A snake in Chios1.20 : The Cicada10.44 : The Cicada : various kinds13.26 : The Cicada of the sea5.9 : The Cicadas of Locris and Rhegium17.21 : The Cinnamon bird2.34 : The Cinnamon bird15.12 : The Clam12.15 : The Crocodile and the Clapperbill10.49 : Clarus free from noxious creatures6.50 : Cleanthes and the Ants15.20 : The Cock in Nibas3.31 : The Cock feared by Basilisk and Lion4.29 : The Cock and its crowing2.30 : The Cockerel, and how to keep him17.46 : Cockerels and Hens in temples of Heracles and Hebe5.28 : The Purple Coot3.42 : The Purple Coot. The Peacock10.23 : The Scorpions of Coptos10.24 : The Crocodile, killed at Tentyra, worshipped at Coptos10.27 : The Cow and Aphrodite7.1 : The Cows of Susa7.30 : The 'Flying Crab'6.31 : The Crab and music7.24 : The Crab : various species7.31 : The Hermit Crab9.43 : The common Crab16.38 : Snakes and Crabs at Metropolis17.1 : Monstrous Snakes and Crabs15.9 : The Crane-fish1.44 : Cranes bring rain3.14 : Cranes give warning of storms2.1 : Cranes, their migration3.13 : Cranes, their migration12.36 : The river Crathis6.42 : The story of Crathis9.25 : Crayfish and Octopus10.38 : Octopus and Crayfish.3.2 : Hounds of Crete and elsewhere5.2 : Crete hostile to Owls and Snakes4.1 : The Partridge. Cretan lovers12.15 : The Crocodile and the Clapperbill2.33 : The Crocodile3.11 : The Crocodile and Egyptian Plover5.23 : The Crocodile9.3 : The Crocodile and its young10.21 : The Crocodile, worshipped at Ombos, killed at Apollinopolis10.24 : The Crocodile, killed at Tentyra, worshipped at Coptos17.6 : The Crocodile. Sea-monsters12.41 : The Ganges and its Turtles and Crocodiles8.4 : Tame Fishes and Tame Crocodiles15.22 : Crow and Eagle3.9 : The Crow, its conjugal fidelity. Owl and Crow6.7 : The Crow of King Mares3.30 : The Cuckoo5.41 : Ruminants and their stomachs. The Cuttle-fish5.44 : The Cuttle-fish1.34 : The Cuttlefish16.31 : The Cynamolgi and their Dogs11.7 : A refuge for hunted deer in Cyprus D11.13 : The Hounds of Daphnis11.5 : Dogs sacred to Athena in Daunia12.18 : Democritus on the horns of Deer2.9 : Deer and Snakes5.56 : Deer crossing the sea6.11 : The Deer and its young6.13 : The Deer, its frugality12.31 : The sons of Aristodemus and the Delphic Oracle11.4 : The worship of Demeter at Hermione12.16 : Democritus on the fecundity of certain animals.12.17 : Democritus on the effects of climate on the animal foetus12.18 : Democritus on the horns of Deer12.19 : Democritus on the growth of horns in Oxen12.20 : Democritus on hornless Bulls13.27 : The Hyena fish. Depilatories1.1 : The Birds of Diomedes8.5 : Divination by Fishes10.41 : Eupolis and his Dog10.45 : The Dog honoured in Egypt4.40 : The Dog4.45 : The story of a Lion, a Bear, and a Dog6.53 : The Dog in Egypt7.13 : Dog reveals sacrilege7.38 : The Dog as companion8.9 : The Dog and its medicines6.59 : The Dog, its reasoning power7.10 : The Dog's devotion to its master; Galba's dog7.40 : The Dog's devotion to its master. Dog as king16.31 : The Cynamolgi and their Dogs11.3 : Dogs sacred to Hephaestus at Etna11.5 : Dogs sacred to Athena in Daunia12.22 : Dogs at Rhocca12.35 : The Dogs Of Xanthippus6.25 : Devotion of Dogs to their masters9.55 : How to silence Dogs and Donkeys10.25 : The Dog-faces1.17 : The Dog-fish and young1.55 : Sharks and Dog-fish4.46 : (i) The Lac insect (ii) The Dog-heads1.18 : The Dolphin and young10.8 : The Dolphin and its young11.12 : The Dolphin11.22 : The Dolphin in perpetual motion12.12 : The Dolphin12.6 : The Dolphin and its dead15.17 : Lion and Dolphin compared2.6 : Dolphin and boy at Poroselene5.6 : A captured Dolphin6.15 : Dolphin and boy at Iassus8.3 : The Dolphin, its gratitude1.5 : The Gnawer and Dolphins12.45 : Arion and the Dolphins2.8 : Dolphins help fishermen9.55 : How to silence Dogs and Donkeys1.9 : The Drone5.33 : The Duck E9.10 : The Eagle17.37 : An Eagle's gratitude9.2 : The Eagle's feathers12.21 : Eagle saves the baby Gilgamos15.22 : Crow and Eagle2.26 : The Eagle and nestlings2.39 : The Golden Eagle2.40 : The Eagle and its keepers6.29 : Eagle and boy7.11 : Octopus and Eagle7.16 : Eagle and Tortoise1.42 : The Eagle, its keen sight13.1 : Gordius and an Eagle.5.29 : Geese and Eagles11.19 : Earthquake at Helice14.8 : Eels in the Eretaenus17.5 : The Asp of Egypt10.16 : The Pig in Egypt10.28 : The Ass and the Antelope, hated in Egypt10.45 : The Dog honoured in Egypt2.43 : Hawks of Egypt6.41 : The Mouse in Egypt6.53 : The Dog in Egypt7.9 : The Hawk in Egypt2.48 : Ravens of Egypt, of Libya12.7 : The Lion in Egypt. The Sphinx11.38 : The Egyptian Goose3.11 : The Crocodile and Egyptian Plover5.30 : The Egyptian Goose6.33 : Egyptian magic7.45 : (i) Egyptian priests and their ablutions8.25 : The Egyptian Plover11.10 : Apis, the sacred bull of the Egyptians11.11 : Mneuis, the sacred bull of the Egyptians, and King Bocchoris12.23 : Tame Lions in Elam5.55 : The Elephant10.1 : An Elephant's jealousy10.17 : The Elephant's love of home6.61 : The Elephant's respect for old age17.44 : The Rhinoceros; a fight with an Elephant10.10 : Taming an Elephant10.12 : The fiesh of the Elephant11.14 : The Elephant as nurse11.15 : An Elephant punishes adultery11.25 : Ptolemy II and his Elephant12.44 : Music and the Elephant and the Libyan Mare13.22 : The Elephant as bodyguard13.8 : The Elephant and its love of flowers13.9 : The Indian Horse. The War Elephant3.46 : An Elephant and its keeper6.21 : Elephant and Python6.52 : An Elephant punishes dishonesty6.56 : The Elephant and its hunters7.37 : Porus and his Elephant7.41 : Pyrrhus and his Elephant7.43 : Elephant and flower-seller7.44 : The Elephant a sun-worshipper7.45 : (ii) The Elephant as surgeon 7.6 : The Elephant when hunted8.10 : An Elephant hunt8.27 : The young Elephant9.56 : The Elephant9.58 : Longevity of the Elephant9.8 : The Elephant and its young1.38 : (i) The Elephant, its love of beauty and perfumes (ii) Various irritants4.31 : The Elephant, its anatomy and habits8.17 : The Elephant, its continence ; reveals murder17.7 : The Elephant. The Camel14.6 : The Elephant. The Lynx14.5 : Hunting for Elephants' tusks16.18 : The Elephants of Taprobane16.36 : Elephants routed by Pigs17.29 : Indian Elephants of war13.7 : Remedies for sick Elephants2.11 : Performing Elephants2.18 : Elephants and their wounds4.10 : Elephants worship the Moon4.24 : The taming of Elephants7.2 : A home for aged Elephants7.36 : A stampede of Elephants8.15 : Elephants cross a ditch7.15 : Elephants, their mutual devotion. 6.22 : Enmities and fears of animals11.2 : Serpents sacred to Apollo in Epirus14.8 : Eels in the Eretaenus14.29 : Fishing in the Eridanus in winter7.28 : Icarius and the Hound of Erigone2.20 : Oxen of Erythrae10.50 : The worship of Aphrodite at Eryx4.2 : The Pigeons of Aphrodite at Eryx17.45 : The flesh-eating Bulls of Ethiopia17.10 : Peculiarities of Libya, the Euxine, Ethiopia2.21 : Snakes of Ethiopia and Phrygia16.39 : Monstrous snakes in India, in Ethiopia11.3 : Dogs sacred to Hephaestus at Etna9.29 : Snakes at the source of the Euphrates10.41 : Eupolis and his Dog15.5 : Tunny-fishing in the Euxine17.10 : Peculiarities of Libya, the Euxine, Ethiopia F2.42 : The Falcon4.26 : Falconry in India10.13 : Fauna of Arabia.17.41 : A plague of Field-mice, of Sparrows, of Frogs, of Lions16.35 : Fish as food for Goats17.30 : Fish as cattle-fodder17.31 : A poisonous Fish in Armenia10.43 : Fish in the Wile mud12.1 : Sacred Fish at Myra12.2 : Sacred Fish at Hierapolis12.30 : Tame Fish of various lands4.9 : Fish in the mating season6.24 : The Fox and small Fish ; the Fox tests ice9.52 : Flying Fish9.53 : Fish moving in formation9.57 : Fish in winter14.23 : The Ister and its Fish. The Sword-fish16.12 : Fishes of India10.11 : Vocal Fishes10.2 : Mating season for Fishes2.13 : Fishes and their leaders8.4 : (i) Tame Fishes 8.5 : Divination by Fishes9.46 : The migration of Fishes9.63 : Fishes and their mating9.7 : (ii) Fishes and their 'parasites'13.3 : Fishes, their haunts and their food13.16 : Fishing for Tunny13.19 : Fishing for Mullet14.26 : The Ister in winter. Fishing in winter. The Sturgeon14.29 : Fishing in the Eridanus in winter14.3 : Fishing in shallow waters13.5 : The Fishing-frog9.24 : The Fishing-frog11.8 : Flies avoid the festival of Apollo2.29 : The Fly5.17 : The Fly15.1 : Fly-fishing in Macedonia9.52 : Flying Fish9.12 : The Fox-shark17.17 : The Fox in Caspia.13.11 : Fox and Hare. The Hare and its young4.39 : The Fox and Wasps6.24 : The Fox and Hedgehog; and Bustards ; and small Fish ; the Fox tests ice6.64 : Fox and Hedgehog15.27 : The Francolin4.42 : The Francolin. The Guinea-fowl11.40 : Freaks of Nature12.15 : Frog and Water-snake.2.56 : A shower of Mice, of Frogs3.37 : Frogs in Seriphus9.13 : Frogs and their mating17.41 : A plague of Field-mice, of Sparrows, of Frogs, of Lions G4.51 : The Gadfly. The Horse-fly6.37 : The Gadfly. The Horse-fly17.19 : The Locust in Galatia7.10 : The Dog's devotion to its master; Galba's dog12.41 : The Ganges and its Turtles and Crocodiles14.14 : The Gazelles of Libya12.33 : The Geese of the Capitol5.29 : Geese in love with human beings. Geese and Eagles13.1 : Gelon and a Wolf6.62 : Gelon and his dog11.37 : Various Genera of the animal world12.21 : Eagle saves the baby Gilgamos13.28 : The Gilthead1.5 : The Gnawer and Dolphins7.14 : The Goat cures cataract7.26 : The Goat and human spittle1.53 : The Goat, its breathing16.30 : The Goats of Lycia16.34 : The Goats of Sardinia16.35 : Fish as food for Goats17.34 : The Goats and Camels of the Caspii4.32 : The Goats and Sheep of India3.39 : The Goatsucker2.39 : The Golden Eagle4.47 : The Golden Oriole4.54 : Asp in love with a Goose-herd11.38 : The Egyptian Goose5.30 : The Egyptian Goose7.41 : Lacydes and his Goose13.1 : Gordius and an Eagle.9.37 : Grafting of trees3.36 : The Grape-spider14.22 : The Grayling, how caught4.27 : The Gryphons and the gold of Bactria4.42 : The Francolin. The Guinea-fowl5.14 : (i) Rats in Gyarus and Teredon H5.20 : The Hake6.30 : The Hake7.17 : Ceryl and Halcyon9.17 : The Halcyon and its nest1.36 : The Torpedo. The Halcyon6.47 : The Hare13.11 : Fox and Hare. The Hare and its young13.12 : The male Hare13.14 : The Hare of the plains, the Hare of the mountains. Hare and Hounds2.12 : The Hare13.13 : The Hare, its habits11.23 : The Harper fish10.14 : The Hawk11.39 : The Hawk12.4 : The Hawk : various species7.9 : The Hawk in Egypt2.43 : Hawks and their eyesight. Hawks of Egypt17.46 : Cockerels and Hens in temples of Heracles and Hebe3.10 : The Hedgehog6.54 : The Hedgehog6.64 : Fox and Hedgehog14.4 : Medicinal properties of the Sea-urchin and Hedgehog4.17 : The Hedgehog. The Lynx6.24 : The Fox and Hedgehog15.13 : The tale of Canobus and Helen9.21 : Helen of Troy and Snakes in Pharos11.19 : Earthquake at Helice4.23 : The Willow. The Hemlock5.5 : The victorious Hen17.46 : Cockerels and Hens in temples of Heracles and Hebe9.32 : Henbane, how gathered11.3 : Dogs sacred to Hephaestus at Etna6.40 : Heracles revered by Mice1.37 : Protective and numbing powers of certain Herbs11.4 : The worship of Demeter at Hermione7.31 : The Hermit Crab2.18 : Medicine in the Heroic Age5.35 : The Heron and Oysters9.31 : Hiccups and its cure12.2 : Sacred Fish at Hierapolis7.39 : A horned Hind5.53 : The Hippopotamus15.7 : Honey-dew in India12.40 : Honours paid to Animals16.5 : The Hoopoe of India. A Brahmani myth3.26 : The Hoopoe3.34 : A wonderful Horn1.19 : The Horned Ray10.40 : The Horned Ass of Scythia15.28 : The Little Horned Owl2.53 : Hornless Cattle. Bees in Scythia16.25 : The Horse trained for battle11.36 : The Horse4.6 : The Horse6.6 : The Horse in battle4.50 : The Horse, its eyelashes13.9 : The Indian Horse.11.31 : Serapis restores a Horse's eye6.44 : The Horse's devotion to its master16.23 : The people of Sybaris and their Horses15.25 : Horses fed on fish ; affected by music ; their age2.28 : The Bustard and Horses3.2 : Horses of Libya. 4.51 : The Gadfly. The Horse-fly6.37 : The Gadfly. The Horse-fly12.25 : The Horse-mackerel. The 'Charax'.4.19 : The Indian Hound7.12 : A pregnant Hound7.28 : Icarius and the Hound of Erigone7.29 : A faithful Hound8.2 : The Hound's delight in hunting1.8 : Nicias and his Hounds11.13 : The Hounds of Daphnis11.20 : Sacred Hounds in th