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Platform Software Integration examples are available standalone only. Run the .exe file on a Windows PC to install them. Note that the release you obtained depends on RTD 2.0.0 HF2, not P03. Install the verified version to avoid problems.
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This service is funded in partnership with RTD. RTD operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, and national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Any person who believes they have been subjected to unlawful discrimination under Title VI may file a complaint with RTD.
The TT Excel Add-in installation downloads the TT RTD Sample.xlsx file to the Desktop. TT recommends that you copy the file to a different location and modify the copy as the original will be overwritten when newer versions are installed.
* Please note that the 32-bit and the 64-bit versions refer to your Microsoft Office versions, not your Windows version. If you are not sure which version to download, please refer to the RIT - Client and RTD Installation Instructions for detailed instructions on how to install the RIT Market Simulator client and the RTD Links.
A KMZ file consists of a main KML file and zero or more supporting files that are packaged using a Zip utility into one unit, called an archive. The KMZ file can then be stored and emailed as a single entity. A NetworkLink can fetch a KMZ file from a web server. When the KMZ file is unzipped, the main .kml file and its supporting files are separated into their original formats and directory structure, with their original filenames and extensions. In addition to being an archive format, the Zip format is also compressed, so an archive can include only a single large KML file. Depending on the content of the KML file, this process typically results in 10:1 compression. Your 10 Kbyte KML file can be served with a 1 Kbyte KMZ file.
Google Earth and Google Maps can read KML and KMZ files directly, and they can save files as KMZ files. By default, the main KML file is named doc.kml.Note: For clarity, this page refers to the main KML file within a KMZ archive as doc.kml. This main KML file can have any name, as long as it ends in .kml, and as long as there is only one .kml file.
This section provides a few simple recommendations for the creators of KML/KMZ files. The example used in this section is from the Jimmy Buffett website, which uses the KML format to show planned concert tours and related highlights on Google Earth.
Follow these guidelines when creating KMZ files:Create a folder that will contain the contents of your KMZ file. Give it a descriptive name (for example, buffetthawaiitour).
Put the default KML file (doc.kml, or whatever name you want to give it) at the top level within this folder. Include only one .kml file. (When Google Earth opens a KMZ file, it scans the file, looking for the first .kml file in this list. It ignores all subsequent .kml files, if any, in the archive. If the archive contains multiple .kml files, you cannot be sure which one will be found first, so you need to include only one.)
Include one or more subfolders within the main folder to collect images, models, textures, sound files, or other resources referenced in the doc.kml file. The complexity of this directory structure depends on the number of supporting files and your preferences for organization.
Use relative references. See References to External Files for more details. All relative paths begin inside the base folder described above in item 1. For example, if a KMZ file vacationJournal.kmz is on the desktop, and its doc.kml file refers to a file myFavoritePlace.jpg, which is also on the desktop, the in the doc.kml file is ../myFavoritePlace.jpg.
Do not use the .kmz extension for any of the subfolders within a KMZ file. The .kmz extension is reserved for the name of the archive itself.
Since there are only five supporting files, they are all collected into a files subfolder within the main folder. If you load the file into Google Earth and then copy and paste it into a text browser, you'll see that all of the elements use relative references to these supporting files (which represent icons, a screen overlay, and the sound file for the tour).
Absolute references contain the full URL for the linked file. They are useful for files posted on a central server and are unambiguous. However, if you use absolute references to local files, the links will break when the files are moved to a new system. Relative references avoid this problem.
In general, relative references are resolved in relation to the doc.kml file. Any relative URL is resolved against the directory that contains this file, which is considered the root of the KMZ file. In the Hawaiian tour example, the base URL is similar to the following (depending on where you download the KMZ file):
If you wanted to refer to a file located in a different KMZ file (for example, to images/jimmyphoto.jpg contained in margaritavillealbum.kmz, you would use the ".." notation to go up one level in the directory structure, which would take you out of the current KMZ file (buffetthawaiitour.kmz):
The element contains a element that specifies a COLLADA file to load into Google Earth. COLLADA files specify 3D objects and have a .dae file extension. The element also contains an element, that contains a mapping between the (the texture file to be fetched by Google Earth) and the (the path specified for the texture file in the COLLADA .dae file). If the element contains a relative path, Google Earth interprets this path as relative to the .dae file that references it (not relative to the doc.kml file as in all other cases). For example:
Use Windows Explorer or the Mac Finder to create a Zip archive. Select the contents of the folder that contains the doc.kml file and related resources and choose an option such as "WinZip > Add to Zip file ...." The Java JAR library also has a Zip library for programmatically creating and extracting a Zip archive, and Linux has command line versions of zip and unzip.
Within KML balloons, most HTML elements are treated in Google Earth just as they're treated in standard web browsers. An within a description balloon, however, is treated as straight HTML, which means that special KML features are not recognized. For example, an cannot display KMZ resources, and local anchor links, such as , are not recognized. The element within an element cannot point to a local file on disk, nor can it point to a file inside a KMZ file; it must point to a URL on the Internet that a browser can visit.
You need to download IB API Windows version 9.73.03 or higher and install on your computer. Once you have installed the API, you can verify the API Version by checking C:\TWS API\API_VersionNum.txt by default.
By default, market data requests sent via TWS RTD Server will automatically request for all possible Generic Tick Types. There are several generic tick types being requested that are only supported in TWS 963 or higher. Sending any RTD market data request with default generic tick list to an old build of TWS will trigger a "TwsRtdServer error" indicating incorrect generic tick list is sent. Make sure a TWS builds 963+ is downloaded from IB website and kept running at the background for TWS RTD Server API to function properly.
After installing the API, the pre-compiled RTD library file (located at C:\TWS API\source\csharpclient\TwsRtdServer\bin\Release\TwsRtdServer.dll by default) registered on your computer will be in 32-bit by default for API versions from 973.03 to 973.06. If you are using 64-bit Microsoft Excel, you would need to re-compile RTD server dll file into 64-bit and register the library by re-building the RTD source solution using Visual Studio. Please refer to the TWS Excel APIs, featuring the RealTimeData Server recorded webinar for more information. Beginning in API v973.07* it is expected that the API installer for RTD Server will be compatible with both 32 bit and 64 bit Excel (* expected version number).
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