Start Everywhere Is A Start Menu Alternative For Windows 10 ##BEST##
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Another interesting feature of Start Menu X is its ability to set timer-based power options, such as restart, shutdown, and log off, etc. You can set a specific timer and your PC will use one of the power options when the time is up. This can be extremely useful to shut down the PC while you are away if a program needs to complete a task.
From here, you can choose a different display color, change fonts, set active corners, select what menus to display (including up to eight custom menus), set hotkeys, and enable autostart with Windows.
4. Select Never from the Combine taskbar buttons menu if you want your icons uncombined. Otherwise, you can select "Always, hide labels" or "When taskbar is full." Uncombined taskbar buttons show you a button for each window, even if you have multiple windows of the same program (ex: your web browser).
Getting started with Open-Shell is as easy as downloading the latest version from Github and installing it. Just make sure you choose the right Start button icon. Open-Shell gives you a choice of a couple of Start buttons or the option to upload your own image. However, I found that the custom button images I uploaded were often invisible or parts of them were invisible until I clicked on them.
6. Close regedit and restart Windows 11. The classic taskbar will be there, but you'll notice on the left side that the clock, audio and networking icons are missing.
11. Hide the search box (optional). Since the search box doesn't actually work, your best bet is to hide it by using Regedit to navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Search and setting SearchTaskbarMode to 0 and then restarting Windows. The good news is that the Start menu replacements have their own search boxes built in.
If either component is failing to start on boot, reviewing the event logs for errors or crashes during boot may pin point the problem. Booting with MSCONFIG and using a selective or diagnostic startup option will eliminate and/or identify possible interference from additional applications.
If Background Tasks Infrastructure Service fails to start, verify that the Power Dependency Coordinator Driver (PDC) driver and registry key aren't disabled or deleted. If either are missing, restore from backup or the installation media.
If a user is having problems with a PC, it can be refreshed, reset, or restored. Refreshing the PC is a beneficial option because it maintains personal files and settings. When users have trouble starting the PC, "Change PC settings" in Settings isn't accessible. So, to access the System Refresh, users may use the F12 key at startup. Refreshing the PC finishes, but Start Menu is not accessible.
The new Start menu in Windows 11 is off to a shaky start. Though it probably has its fans, many people have given its interface a thumbs down. If you're one of them, though, you can do more than just complain about it.
The Recommended section displays recently added and recently opened apps and files. Click the More button to see a longer list. Below this section is your profile icon, where you can change account settings, lock the PC, or sign out. The power button on the right lets you put Windows to sleep, shut down your PC, or restart it.
Three additional shortcuts are pinned to the start menu after the export. These are shortcuts to %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs, %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs, and %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\System Tools.
Of course, I tried to clear the icon caches according to Application icon is blank when started from Process.Start or the script at -to-rebuild-the-icon-cache-in-windows but this did not work on my machine (even with a lot of restarts and killing of explorer.exe).
Hello. I am one of the minority that loved the windows 8 live tiles. I have a dual monitor setup and always had the start live tiles on teh right with the news, email, and all programs tiled how i wanted, On the left monitor i did my work and could drag stuff to the right screen if needed.
Start11 is a polished Start menu alternative from the Windows customization veterans at Stardock. You can choose from different Start menu layouts, including a Windows 7, modern, Windows 10, and Windows 11 style. Each style has dozens of optional customizations and integrates fully with your Windows theme. Start11 itself emulates the Windows 11 Settings app layout.
There is an alternative option you can use to make absolutely everything on your computer dark mode, all windows and legacy apps included, but it has some unwanted side effects. To do this, open the start menu, and search for High contrast mode theme.
Windows 11 removed many features that were present in Windows 10, Start11 brings them back. From the basics like returning the right-click menu on the taskbar to ungrouping of windows on the taskbar. You can also choose to have your icons centered on the taskbar with your Start menu left aligned.
Windows 11 lacks features that many users expect but Start11 brings them back including ungrouping windows on the taskbar. Advanced options include the ability to pin local and network drives to the Start menu, create new sections, and more.
I highly recommend going and reading through James Rankins article and watch his video, as whilst I have laid the basic foundations for getting a starting point, he will take you through how to move it on from here on out with additional apps being masked, and creating a dynamically changing Start Menu environment.
If you're unsatisfied with your Start menu's search results, the default settings can be improved with a few tweaks such as adding new locations to the index from the "Indexing Options" menu, while there are also many feature-rich alternative applications that are faster and more accurate than searching from Start menu.
Launching this settings menu is also a good example where searching from the Start menu isn't always the best way to find files and settings. We're going to "Performance Options" and yet searching the Start menu for "performance options" and alternative names only produces web results. Instead, you must search for "advanced system settings."
The Start screen no longer supports several previously available features. A list of recently launched programs or shortcuts to special folders no longer appears on the Start screen. It no longer supports more than one level of nesting for groups in the All Programs view. Drag and drop support for adding new items to the menu as well as reorganizing the contents of the All Programs view is no longer available. In addition, for the first time in the history of Windows, the Start menu in a stock installation of Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2012 R2 does not provide any facility for shutting down, restarting or activating sleep mode or hibernation, forcing users to use the settings button in the charms bar to perform these actions. An April 2014 update for Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 restores the latter.
Windows 11 introduces another major redesign to the start menu; a search box was reinstated at the top of the menu, and tiles have been replaced by an area for pinned application shortcuts displayed in a grid, accompanied by a section for "recommended" applications and files. An "All apps" button is displayed next to the heading for pinned applications. Windows 11 does not use live tiles, with their functionality being moved to the separate "Widgets" area on the taskbar.[16][17]
You can also use the When using multiple displays, show my taskbar apps dropdown to select which monitor the taskbar icons will be displayed on. Here you can choose All taskbars, Main taskbar and taskbar where the windows is open, or Taskbar where window is open from the dropdown menu.
Start Menu X is a Windows 11 Start menu alternative that does not customize the taskbar. However, it provides a flexible Virtual Groups feature that enables you to easily group your Start menu items together as well as collapse and expand the groups. The Start Menu X Start menu supports tab groupings, it can be moved anywhere on your desktop, and it can also be resized to fill your entire desktop.
Contents: Restart Windows Search Services Windows Start Menu Search Not Working Check the Search Service and Indexing Settings in Windows Fix and Repair with Search and Indexing Troubleshooter Reset Microsoft Store Universal Apps in Windows Blank Search Results on Windows with Bing Search Enabled Settings Search Not Working in Windows 10 or 11 Reset Windows Search with PowerShell Script
I had similar issues on multiple computers. This issue is related to user profile and not any of the recommendation above. Just delete user profile and recreate it.Delete C:\users\%userProfile%start regedit and go HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current Version\Profile List and find out the guid that belong to that particular profile. Delete the corresponding listed profileand go to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current Version\Profile List and delete the corresponding GUID for that profile
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In Windows 7 and older operating systems, the most frequently used programs are listed in the left section of the Start menu, with the folder All Programs near the bottom-left corner. The All Programs folder leads to every program installed on the computer. Windows 10 does not have the All Programs folder, but instead lists all programs on the left section of the start menu, with the most used at the top. 2b1af7f3a8