Reset Sysadmin Password On VNX
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I have a customer who is asking me how to reset the sysadmin, root, and nasadmin passwords on their VNX. The problem is the person who used to manage the VNX is no longer with the company. They did not leave the passwords and the customer cannot get a hold of this person who left.
wow, let's go ahead and blacklist 50% of the knowledge base then. Keep making it harder for customers to support the gear they bought from you, see if they choose EMC again. Reset password is confidential now ? Seriously ?
If the sysadmin password is lost or unknown, but you can ssh to the control station and log on as nasadmin, then you can run the following commands to view any additional admin accounts (if any were created).
My work has a VNX5100 that was initialized by someone in the past but was never used. We now no longer know the username and password to login to it from unisphere. I have searched this forum for ways to password recovery, using PPP connection through serial cable, but have not been able to get any of them to work. Is there anyone out there who can give me some assistance with this problem?
Do you see the password reset button labeled with two triangles on the back of the enclosure? Press that with a paperclip until the fault light flashes. The default password will be admin/Password123# & service/service.
We've had EMC provide us the documentation and had them assist with the password reset procedure as there were complications along the way. All in all, it took EMC about 8 hours to complete this task under the support agreement.
We have an EMC VNX 5300 and the certificate has expired. I have already researched the instructions for viewing the certificate and regenerating a new one. The steps require accessing the Control Station CLI through the service port on one of the SPs using a specific IP address ( I have connected with my laptop and am able to use Putty to SSH to the device. I'm prompted for username and try the only account we have "sysadmin", but I get Access Denied. I also notice it states "SSH server : Windows Authentication" which leads me to believe it's wanting a domain account but we don't have that setup on the storage (to my knowledge).
The instructions I have specifically say to use the "root" username. I checked the Global and Local user accounts through Unisphere and only saw the sysadmin account. So I created the "root" account and tried to login with that but the same results.
Note: After the Solutions Integration Service password is changed, it cannot be modified. If the password is lost, you must redeploy the Solutions Integration Service and use the default login ID and password to log in.
Change SP_A IP:naviseccli -h -user sysadmin -password sysadmin -scope 0 networkadmin -set -ipv4 -address -subnetmask -gateway
Change SP_B IP:naviseccli -h -user sysadmin -password sysadmin -scope 0 networkadmin -set -ipv4 -address -subnetmask -gateway
Next to change the Network name. Again please note this change will cause the SP to reboot:Change SP_A Name: naviseccli -h -user sysadmin -password sysadmin -scope 0 networkadmin -set -name NewNameSPAChange SP_B Name:naviseccli -h -user sysadmin -password sysadmin -scope 0 networkadmin -set -name NewNameSPB
So i have a somewhat of a complex question. I am working on a procedure for EMC controller i.e VNX 5200/jtfr-2 chassis. I need to make sure any remote access controller setting and any other data is removed from the unit (ie. ip address domain name any other customer info.) All of the drives have been wiped already. Are there any other setting such as remote access controller web gui that might have client data stored? If so, i was wondering how to access the web gui? It has a reset button on the MGMT port so i am guessing there is some sort to ip address, setting or password that the button resets. I am just looking to reset it resell it so there is not way i would be able to get a service agreement or software for it. My knowledge of EMC equipment is very limited. I only write procedures on how to remove client data and know very little how they work.Thanks in advance.for any help that you might be able to provide.
Next to change the Network name. Again please note this change will cause the SP to reboot:Change SP_A Name:naviseccli -h -user sysadmin -password sysadmin -scope 0 networkadmin -set -name NewNameSPA
[root@VNXCS01 domain]# /nas/sbin/naviseccli -h -user sysadmin -password sysadmin -scope 0 security -adduser -user sysadmin -password sysadmin -scope 0 -role administrator -type systemWARNING: You are about to add user: sysadmin
[root@VNXCS01 domain]# /nas/sbin/naviseccli -h -user sysadmin -password sysadmin -scope 0 domain -listNode: VNXCS01IP Address: SPBPort: 80Secure Port: 443IP Address: (Master)Name: SPAPort: 80Secure Port: 443
[root@VNXCS01 domain]# /nas/sbin/naviseccli -h -user sysadmin -password sysadmin -scope 0 domain -listNode: VNXCS01IP Address: (Master)Name: SPAPort: 80Secure Port: 443IP Address: SPBPort: 80Secure Port: 443
For both, no need to change passwords here is why:For #1 the password you supply when you register is not saved. It is only needed to authenticate to AD to make sure you have the permission to add the machine (aka cifs svm) to the domain.For #2 the password is refreshed based on the AD policy. You will only need to "reset" the password if someone manually change the "machine password" on the AD without the svm knowing it. On this instance, you will need to run: vserver cifs domain password reset -vserver
This example confirms that password writeback is working as expected. However, the password that's entered doesn't meet the local Active Directory password policy. The policy might be violated because of password length, complexity, age, or other requirements.
Was the local Active Directory password policy configured by using fine-grained password policies? If so, check the resultant password policy for the target user by running the net user command (net user /domain):
Is the entered password compliant with the local Active Directory password policy, but the issue persists? If so, check whether you're using Azure AD Password Protection in your on-premises AD DS environment, or if you have any third-party password filter software installed on your domain controllers.
The CMC command-line interface (CLI) is used to connect to the SEM VM and perform administrative tasks. SolarWinds recommends that you periodically change the password used to access the CMC command-line.
Contact SolarWinds Support for help if you no longer have the CMC password needed to log in to the CMC interface. You can still access the CMC interface without the CMC password by logging into the VM console through the hypervisor and clicking on Advanced Configuration.
This happened to me recently. When verifying some access before a code upgrade, I found the admin password I expected to work for VPLEX ( cli or Unisphere) did. not. work. I still had the service password, so cli functions were still available, but none the less, the admin credentials are important.
Pretty straight forward. Log an SR, EMC will remote in and connect through ESRS (or webex) login with the very secret root password, reset the admin password to the default and flag it to be changed at next logon. You can then change it to your password of choice. using the user reset -u command
As you might be aware that UCS director is a CentOS based appliance and the process to rest the root or the admin password is a bit different then other CentOS based server as this is highly customized appliance by Cisco.
Log in to the GUI using the security-admin account. Browse to Admin -> Users and Roles -> Manage Users. Select the user in question (in my case, the admin user). Click Edit in the bottom of the screen, enter a new password twice, and click OK/Apply. Next, try again and you should be able to log in again. 2b1af7f3a8