Pha Pro Hazop Software Crack
Pha Pro Hazop Software Crack =====
Sphera is the leading provider of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance and risk management software, data and consulting services focusing on Environment, Health, Safety & Sustainability (EHS&S), Operational Risk Management (ORM), Product Stewardship and Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM).
PHA-Pro, the leading Process Hazard Analysis and HAZOP software,assists organizations with the implementation of risk studies perfectly andvery easily, resulting in a more responsive and efficient business process. Itis more useful in process industriessuch as oil and gas, chemicals, and pharmaceuticals.
First, our software was created from the beginning to be a cloud-based software product. The need for a desktop local version to facilitate HAZOP and LOPA workshops in remote locations with limited internet access was known from the beginning, so we used the same code to create a desktop version. The two versions work well together for our customers. Then we did something other software vendors would never consider, we gave away the desktop version at no charge.
Kenexis Software runs on our secure cloud servers and is accessed by any licensed user on any computer or tablet through a standard browser. The unique architecture ensures that your software is always available and up to date with the latest performance metrics and resource databases.
It is always favorable not to mention a competitor. However, in this case we have used our competitors tools for many years and that is the reason we developed Open PHA. Open PHA is very comparable to all of the market leaders providing PHA documentation software, including PHA Works and PHA Pro.
The licensed open PHA Cloud version of the software runs in a browser and is designed to work with the Desktop versions to provide additional benefits when the user returns to a location where they can access the internet.
Open PHA Cloud provides additional features only available in the Kenexis Integrated Safety Suite like our premium reporting tools, dashboard, integration with SIS Lifecycle Management software, revision management, bowtie diagram generation, etc.
The way that product is intended to be used is for Open PHA Desktop to be used during a facilitation, where internet connection may be unreliable or unavailable, then for the study to be uploaded to Open PHA Cloud when you are back in the office and have reliable internet for finalizing the study and generating a report. In addition, read-only access to Open PHA Cloud is no-cost, so you can share access to your studies with colleagues and clients easily without having to worry about someone modifying of deleting files. This is how our engineers and Kenexis use of the software and how I suspect most of our users are using it as well.
Open PHA Desktop and Cloud are integrated HAZOP and LOPA software used to record HAZOP and LOPA to determine SIL requirements in accordance with IEC 61511. However, Open PHA alone does not provide all of the functionality required to comply with IEC 61511. Open PHA Cloud is integrated with our SIS Lifecycle Management software Vertigo. While Open PHA Desktop can be used for SIL determination, Vertigo can be used to perform the remaining SIS Lifecycle tasks like SIL Verification, SRS Development and bypass/testing tracking during the operational phases of the lifecycle. Our Vertigo software is built around and implements the recommended practices from ISA on implementation of the IEC/ISA 61511 standard.
In addition, Open PHA Cloud is integrated with our Vertigo SIS Lifecycle Management software. Vertigo software extends the functionality of Open PHA Cloud to allow you to perform SIL Verification calculations, develop Safety Requirement Specifications and track the performance of a Safety Instrumented System through the life of the system.
PHA-Pro delivers purpose-built capabilities. The software supports one to many relationships so you can easily create different consequences for any cause or quickly drag elements and all related information from one node to another.
ALOHA® (Areal Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres) is the hazard modeling program for the CAMEO® software suite (Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations), which is used widely to plan for and respond to chemical emergencies.
You can report software bugs or obtain additional assistance by emailing the RMP Reporting Center (, or by calling the CAMEO help desk at (703) 227-7650 on weekdays from 8 AM to 4:30 p.m., Eastern Time.
Implementing functional safety requirements for your facility or Safety Instrumented System project has to be easier. With so many spreadsheets, software tools and process safety information spread everywhere, the challenge of SIS Lifecycle Management is daunting. The SLM Platform gathers all of your functional safety and process safety information into one robust system, giving you one single source of truth. 2b1af7f3a8