How To Presenter Media For ~REPACK~
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At PresenterMedia, we work hard to provide presenters with powerful tools to add a unique and engaging design to their presentations. For instance, our customization tools for videos, animation, and clip art will do just that.
Hey everyone, we're going to walk through our online customizer today and show you how to how to create custom powerpoint designs. Go ahead and click the customize your message tab below. There you'll notice that there is a canvas up top where you have your text area and your image area. Over to the right-hand side of the canvas, you'll have the layers palette. Here you can click and move your layers around to change the order of them. You can hide or show a drop shadow, or even lock the layer in place. You can also delete all the layers, which we're going to do right now. You will also notice that there is one layer that is not adjustable; this is the background layer. If you click on it, you can change the color of it. So go ahead, click it and go to the color picker. We're going to select a color square to find just the right color. Now, we're going to go ahead and add an image to our online customizer canvas and upload once the upload image button to find a file on a computer. I've already got one right here. Select it and go ahead and open it once it's uploaded. After that, it's going to be on my canvas, and I'm going to size it to fit into the canvas design area, which you'll notice is contained within the grid. Next, we're going to hit the add text box and add some text. Go ahead and click on a font. Now, add some text into the text area. After that, I can scale it up to where I want it. I'm just going to type the text "be awesome" for the theme of the message. We're going to take it and size it down to fit that text area as well. Give me a second here while I do that. There we go, that's it. That's how you work the PresenterMedia customizer. There are some more features I'd encourage everybody to play with it. Right now, go ahead and hit the Customize item, and we're going to wait for the server to create your file. Once that's done, you can go to my custom media and access it. That's how to create custom graphics with PresenterMedia. Thanks for watching.
PresenterMedia is a new site, but the owners have been creating PowerPoint graphics and templates for many years. Back in 1996, most of the PresenterMedia team was involved in the formation of Animation Factory. We created most of the 500,000 images and animations on Animation Factory over the next thirteen years.As things change as they always do, it seemed that God had another plan for us. As the doors were closed to us at Animation Factory, we decided that we love creating templates, animations, and images so we launched PresenterMedia. We are focusing on quality and usability in our images, as a result we don't claim to have millions of images on our site. What we do have is an incredible growing collection of very usable designs and templates.We'll be using this blog as a place to discuss PowerPoint, give presentation tips and tricks, share tutorials, and provide news about our newest images.We are the artists and the owners of PresenterMedia. Please do not hesitate to let us know what you would like to see on the site or if there are any ways in which we can help you create great PowerPoint presentations. By: Art Holden Art Holden has been involved in presentation and animation graphic content since 1990. He had the pleasure of creating one of the very first animation websites on the internet, Animation Factory. For 13 years he managed and created media for Animation Factory. He is now a part-owner and an employee working full time at PresenterMedia. His hobbies outside of work revolve around being involved in the bicycling community in Sioux Falls, SD. He never misses an opportunity to get on his bike and enjoy a ride. BLOG HOMEPAGE Search the Blog SEARCH Categories: Categories News PowerPoint Press Releases Public Speaking Quotes Reviews SlideClips Video Maker Tips & Tricks Training Tutorials Updates Webinars Recent Posts: Tutorial - How to Use the 3D Graphics Maker to Customize Designs Top Health Templates for PowerPoint Presentations Top Project Management PowerPoint Templates How to Use the PresenterMedia Add-in App for PowerPoint 2022 SlideClips and Customizer Updates How to effectively use timeline graphics in Microsoft PowerPoint 10 Tips for better preparing a PowerPoint presentation How can the PowerPoint animation painter make your life easier? Christmas Clipart, Animations, and Graphics add Holiday Cheer to Your Presentations. Using Smart Art PowerPoint Graphic Designs « Previous Next » { "@context": " ", "@type": "Article", "headline": "Welcome to the PresenterMedia Blog", "image": " -images/blog-fill-feature.jpg", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Art Holden", "url": " -updated-customizer-app#authorBio" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "PresenterMedia", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": " -images/presentermedia-company-logo.webp" } }, "url": " ", "mainEntityOfPage": { "@type": "WebPage", "@id": " " }, "datePublished": "Jan, 2010", "dateCreated": "2021-04-08 14:13:43", "dateModified": "2023-01-31 13:07:47", "description": "", "articleBody": "PresenterMedia is a new site, but the owners have been creating PowerPoint graphics and templates for many years. Back in 1996, most of the PresenterMedia team was involved in the formation of Animation Factory. We created most of the 500,000 images and animations on Animation Factory over the next thirteen years.As things change as they always do, it seemed that God had another plan for us. As the doors were closed to us at Animation Factory, we decided that we love creating templates, animations, and images so we launched PresenterMedia. We are focusing on quality and usability in our images, as a result we don't claim to have millions of images on our site. What we do have is an incredible growing collection of very usable designs and templates.We'll be using this blog as a place to discuss PowerPoint, give presentation tips and tricks, share tutorials, and provide news about our newest images.We are the artists and the owners of PresenterMedia. Please do not hesitate to let us know what you would like to see on the site or if there are any ways in which we can help you create great PowerPoint presentations." } Your presentations are going to be amazing! See Plans and Pricing Footer Content PowerPoint Templates PowerPoint Animations Presentation ClipArt Video Backgrounds Custom Graphics Company About Us License Agreement Terms of Use Privacy Policy Resources Online Video Maker Word Cloud Generator Our Blog PowerPoint Add-In Tutorials FAQ - Help Get in Touch Contact Us 4416 S Technology Dr Sioux Falls, SD 57106 USA (605) 274-2424 Facebook Instagram Youtube Pinterest © 2009-2021 Eclipse Digital Imaging, Inc.
The icebreaker segued into positive presentation skills and the importance of having a presentation structure. A presentation with structure is easier for audiences to follow and gives presenters a logical flow to move through their presentations. Lucas facilitated a jigsaw activity where participants were numbered into groups, and each group was responsible for one part of the presentation structure. The groups were mixed up and one member from each group joined together to form a new group where each person shared the parts they knew.
The second half of the session was dedicated to media skills that are beneficial for presentations. Some people have a tendency to overuse PowerPoint presentations, so the session demonstrated some best practices for more effective uses. Zack stressed that whatever media a presenter chooses to use, it should be there to help the presenter. Media are merely visuals that back what you, the presenter, are saying.
Aside from PowerPoint there are other media options used by instructors, students, and businessmen alike. Lucas and Zack recommended two other options for using media in presentations: Google Presentations and Prezi Zoom Browser.
Prezi, in contrast, is a zoom browser that differs from Google Presentations and PowerPoint in its non-linear set up. Prezi places items and links on a canvas or in a pathway that zooms up on a particular part. Similar to Google, users can easily add images and videos using URL addresses, but users can further zoom in on elements of embedded media and diagrams. Like Google Presentations, it can be shared and embedded online, making it an ideal tool for sharing presentations and doing group assignments.
Background: Emerging research suggests that social media has the potential in clinical settings to enhance interaction with and between pediatric patients with various conditions. However, appearance norms and weight stigmatization can make adolescents with obesity uncomfortable about using these visual-based media. It is therefore important to explore these adolescents' perspectives to identify the implications and concerns regarding the use of social media in clinical settings.
Objective: To explore the experiences of adolescents in treatment for obesity in terms of how they present themselves on social media, their rationale behind their presentations, and their feelings related to self-presentation.
Methods: Interviews were conducted with 20 adolescents enrolled in a pediatric outpatient obesity clinic, then transcribed and categorized using qualitative content analysis and Goffman's dramaturgical model. Participants used a screen-recorded laptop to demonstrate their online self-presentation practices.Findings: Adolescent girls and boys undergoing treatment for obesity used visual-based social media, but girls in particular experienced weight stigma online and undertook self-presentation strategies to conceal weight-related content such as avoiding showing close-up photos of their bodies and not posting images of unhealthy "fattening" foods. Participants perceived the potential use of social media in clinical settings as being too risky and private. 2b1af7f3a8