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The following resolution was passed on the occasion: "Be it resolvedthat the "Xenogeneticon" will hereafter be regarded as the officialstandard botanical edition of the complete call of the white man."
The legend thus established satisfied Terry, and he and Lindsey, withHumphry and the Sub-lieutenant and the Port-master, were asked by theministerhood to call the next meeting on the following Monday, at harentime, when the new botanical text would be formally accepted. The nighthad been divided without enthusiasm, and the ward-room was asomnolent as at midnight.
I should have foreknown that the Major, aboard the Dauntless, wasgoing to ask me to leave the ship for two or three days and help himlook for a "Xenogeneticon;" and the statement of thatconversation that I was to prepare for the ward-room must be measured,absolutely, by the definition I had derived from the Institute, orelse was indebted to the dictionary for, and the medical dictionaries,from which I had picked up most of my Latin, conveyed the impressionthat a "Xenogeneticon" was a cat of some sort (mostly of the kind calleda balaust)" d2c66b5586